Stuff I like on the Internet
Donald Marron's Blog
Former Council of Economic Advisers Member Donald Marron is blogging about economics, finance, and related policy. Also, follow his crusade to fix Google data search results. Yay for seasonal adjustment!
Greg Mankiw's Blog
Mankiw's Principles of Economics was my first economics textbook. Mankiw's blog is a good first economics blog to read.
Pundit Kitchen
An off-shoot of lolcats, this site contains funny pictures of politicians, with snarky captions added.
Science Tattoo Emporium
A collection of very cool and very nerdy science-related tattoos. I always wonder if the kid with the table of the elements on his arm was required to wear long sleeves during tests. Unfortunately, the social sciences are not well represented. I thought about getting quantity theory of money tattoed on my ankle for a while...
Stuff Expat Aid Workers Like
Modeled after the site Stuff White People Like, this takes special target at my demographic, and it hits very close to home. Examples include: Their Passports, Pets, Hot Showers, Street Cred, and Pretending Not to See Eachother.